Whether your cat goes outdoors or stays inside, continuous flea and tick protection is important and with Bravecto for Cats.

Now you can give your cat up to 12 weeks of protection against fleas and ticks with a single treatment. This makes it easy for you to provide long-lasting coverage to your cat, without having to worry about giving frequent treatments.

With just one dose, your cat is all taken care of, so you can enjoy life with your cat, without any worries.

  • Treats fleas for up to 3 months
  • Controls paralysis ticks for 3 months

Comes in the following sizes:

  • Small cat - 1.2 - 2.8kg (green box)
  • Medium cat - 2.8 - 6.25kg (blue box)
  • Large cat - 6.25 - 12.5kg (purple box)

Pack size: 6 months of total protection (2 x pipettes - applied every 3 months)

NOTE: The safety of Bravecto Plus has not been established during breeding, pregnancy or lactation.


Brand Bravecto
SKU 2415955
Barcode # 9322839023274
Pet Cat
Treatment Type Fleas & Ticks
Life Stage All Stages

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