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Be Aware - Preparing your Pets in Natural Disasters

Be Aware - Prepare
The Australian Veterinary Association (AVA) is urging animal owners to include pets and livestock in their disaster management plans.
 According to Dr Craig Dwyer, Vice President of the AVA’s cattle group, if disaster hits, people should be prepared not only for their own safety but for their animal’s welfare as well.
 “Those of us who own animals have a responsibility to take care of them, and that doesn’t change in an emergency. Being prepared is the key.
 “With the summer months approaching, now is a good time for livestock producers to brush up their plans for natural disasters that might come their way including fires, floods, severe thunderstorms and cyclones.”
Dr Dwyer’s tips on preparing larger animals for natural disasters, includes:
* Decide on a safe place to keep your livestock before disaster strikes. Think about whether you’ll be able to access your livestock after the event – particularly if it’s prone to flooding
* If you think you’ll need to evacuate your livestock, work out the safest time to do so
* If evacuation isn’t possible move your livestock to the safest place on your property – assess the risk of injury from trees or flooding
* If time permits, secure or remove loose items
* Make sure livestock have access to safe food and water.

You can contact your local vet for more information on preparing for a natural disasters.
 The AVA is currently running a campaign Be Aware, Prepare! to raise awareness of this important issue – for all animal owners.
 Information and brochures about protecting pets, horses and livestock from natural disasters is available on the AVA’s website at:
You can also view Dr Dwyer’s tips on this video.